
Adaptation to climate

All animals and plants need to adapt to there climates or else they wont survive. There is a lot of competition over food and water, for animals especially and all of the bigger animals are winning fights for food and smaller animals are starving to death or being killed in these fights and are becoming extinct. Most small animals have now learnt to adapt to their climates and are hiding when big animals come. These are 2 animals who have adapted to the climates I have chosen.

                     The Toucan

The toucan is a bird that lives in the tropical rainforest. It has adapted to the rainforest climate because firstly they have their bills which help them get their food and secondly they have very sharp claws to help them attack other animals. But the main reason is that over many years the toucan wasn't able to get much food. So its biggest adaptation is that the toucans feathers and beak actually changed colour to blend in with its surroundings ( the tropical flowers and plants). This is called camouflage. Now the toucan can get its food without being attacked by bigger animals and it can also hide from hunters that come to the rainforest. 

                     The Polar Bear

The polar bear is an animal that lives in the tundra climate in the arctic. It has adapted to its climate because the polar bear actually has black skin which soaks up all of the heat from the sun and as you can see in the picture, they also have a big, thick coat of fur which they need because in the winter, temperatures can go down as far as -45 degrees celcius. The polar bear is also an excellent swimmer and this helps for the polar bear to get its food. It swims down under the ice and gets fish to eat. The polar bear is also known to be able to swim very long distances and if there is not enough food in one place it can swim as far as 70 miles away from ice and land to get more.